Marketing Authorization Holder
In October 2016, we entered the market with the very first product, under our own brand – Rasagiline Sanomed, successfully introducing it to the market. Our portfolio grew in 2017, thanks to Bicalutamide Sanomed and Cinacalcet Sanomed, as well as planning to introduce new molecules, which will be of great benefit to our patients and healthcare workers alike.
What services do we offer?

As part of our market introduction services, we provide together with company ProFound Bratislava, s.r.o., services concerning medicine registration, food supplements and healthcare helping aids (national registration, MRP, DCP), creating AW and mock-up preparation based on QRD standards, including communication with the respective national authorities.

A local and qualified person providing constant, 24-hour pharmacovigilance, among other local pharmacovigilance activities, is also part of our team.

Together with our sister company, ProFound Bratislava, s.r.o., we secure the full process of categorization and pricing of medicine, including advisory activities concerning prices and payments, price-strategy preparation and price-development scenarios, processing different types of requests and also providing regular action-step and price-offer monitoring of competitors on the Ministry of Health webpage.

Co-operating closely with ProFound Bratislava, s.r.o., we also take care of storage and distribution of humane and veterinary medicine, always adhering to the rules and regulations of the EU. ProFound Bratislava, s.r.o. is also a holder of the GDP (Good Distribution Practice) certificate and The Reliable Partner Seal in public procurement for 2016.


Thanks to our experience, we can support your sales and market decisions and in case of further interest, we can also assist You in creating and implementing marketing strategies, plans, sales forecasts etc. We also provide education for specialists by way of symposiums, seminars, round tabel meetings and personal visits to doctors. SANOMED Field Force has a vast educational programme at its disposal, which consists of: creation of market plans, forecasting, sales skills, negotiation techniques, communication skills, assertiveness, complex market analysis, marketing, presenting skills, effectiveness management.